
How we work with service blueprint

A service blueprint is a mirror image of a customer journey map. While a customer journey map represents the user’s experience of a service, a service blueprint illustrates all the activities, actors and resources that are deployed to produce that experience. A service blueprint is a map of how an organization or department creates value for the customers, citizens or end users. Service blueprint is a powerful tool to map and understand the workflows and interdependencies in complex organizations and scenarios. Creating a service blueprint is an ideal approach when it comes to experiences that are omni-channel and/or require cross-functional work and coordination of multiple departments.

A service blueprint is usually built from interviews, observation and desk research within the organization or department for which the blueprint is being created. Each service blueprint corresponds to a customer journey and the specific value creation of that journey. The first encounter with a service blueprint can be a daunting experience, but once the blueprint is shared and discussed within the organization, it has great potential in breaking down silos and facilitating better integration of different functions. Using the service blueprint as a strategic planning tool, an organization can optimize and/or develop its operational capability and capacity for innovation.

Point have created service blueprints for clients like Keolis and Region Östergötland. If you would like to know more about how we work with service blueprints at Point, please contact Råger Mårlind or Agnieszka Madej.