
Our approach

Points approach to any challenge starts with taking a step back to get an overview of the challenge; how is task defined? who are the stakeholders? What is the purpose of what we are trying to achieve? Who are the end users? What are known factors that we need to take into consideration, and what do we not yet know?

After mapping the landscape, we collect and analyze data to fill in the necessary blanks on the map. For this purpose we combine a number of methods and tools such as sourcing data from databases, social media or other digital systems, conducting surveys, in-depth interviews, observations or user testing.

To process the data we run analysis sessions, working iteratively, we learn new things along the way and use these insights to reframe the challenge and find fresh angles and approaches.

Based on our learnings we design strategies, concepts or prototypes – paths for moving forward toward the goal, all secured in the data and insights collected and analyzed in previous steps. Through workshops and close collaboration we anchor create agency, so that our partners can steadily take steps toward their goals.

Strategic design to handle complexity

Strategic design is, in essence, to leverage design methods for strategic impact. By looking at a problem from new angles we reach new solutions can navigate complexity.

It combines creativity with structure and experimentation with a clear focus. Rethinking the parameters of a challenge in order to identify opportunities for innovation is a key element of this way of working, and can provide a fast lane towards scaling for impact.

Strategic design encompasses a broad range of methods for mapping and analyzing challenges, finding new approaches as well as creating and evaluating feasible solutions.

Triangulation for the full picture

Triangulation means acquiring data and insight from multiple sources and through different techniques (i.e. mixed methods). Triangulation is a great complement to strategic design, since it uses multitude of perspectives to gain better understanding of a problem and possible ways forward.

Triangulation produces value in three main ways; through convergence, complementarity, and divergence. Convergence points to overlap and between different perspectives and can reinforce conclusions.

Complementarity deepens the understanding of a challenge by allowing results from different sources to inform each other. Divergence means that data or perspectives are contradictory. At Point, we don’t treat this as a problem but rather a result that paints a more complex picture or prompts new questions and additional perspectives.

Empathy is key

Empathy is the most important precondition for development and innovation. A solid understanding of other people’s perspectives and needs is the basis for creating real value for real users.

By working in close contact with the end user and ‘walking in their shoes’ we aquire knowledge and insights for the process forward. At Point we work with empathy through interactions and interviews, observation, immersion (to put oneself through a user experience) as well as storytelling tools like user stories, customer journeys and personas.

Tailor-made process for a better fit

When you work with us, you can feel confident that the outcome will be well-suited to the way your team or your organization functions, that the hand-over will be smooth and that it will be clear how to take what we have developed into the next step of your journey.

Every organization is different – different preconditions, different structure, different culture. In some cases there will be a “one size fits most” that is a cost-effective choice. In other instances, it just doesn’t make sense to buy a standardized service that’s a bad fit for your organization.

At Point we take pride in the fact that we craft each process to match the challenge at hand and the desired outcome, the characteristics of the client organization and the resources available.

Iterative approach keep us on our toes

To work iteratively means to learn along the way and to incorporate that learning to develop the way you work. At Point we are always leaning, and we are always acquiring and developing new tools for our toolbox.

Our iterative way of working means that we usually work with a sketched process that can take new insights and learnings into account and that is flexible and open to change. An important tool in our iterative work is the ability to work in loops, where each loop can be repeated, adding the learnings from the previous loop to our approach, to reach further.

By working iteratively with a flexible process and viewing our work as a constant learning experience we avoid getting caught in a rut or painting ourselves into a corner – when you keep on your toes you can spot an opportunity in the most dire of circumstances.

Clients as partners

We strive for a relationship to our clients that is characterized by a shared sense of purpose. Our goal is that our clients see us as a partner in their efforts to reach their goals, rather than a contractor hired to perform a set of tasks.

A partnership fosters a clear understanding for each others roles, a mutual respect for expertise, an ambition to see the whole picture, agency and proactivity in the process, and above all; trust. By consequently acting as a partner, taking responsibility for our role, as one part of our clients bigger picture, delivering on our promises and owning up to our mistakes, our highest purpose in our relationships with our clients is to build trust. With trust, we can break new ground and reach greater heights together, as partners.